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For a cup of coffee and a noncommittal meeting

Contact us

Bent Kofoed

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Address: Adelgade 15, DK-1304 Copenhagen K
Phone +45 20 89 46 00
Email: bk@krestoncm.dk

Michel Hansen

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Address: Usseroed Kongevej 157, DK-2970 Hørsholm
Phone +45 21 74 16 58
Email: mkh@krestoncm.dk

Jacob Hjort

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 22 88 06 67
Email: jac@krestoncm.dk

Christian Berg Dohn

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 29 25 68 87
Email: cdo@krestoncm.dk

Lise Foss Nielsen

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 25 37 39 95
Email: lfn@krestoncm.dk

Kevin Klitgaard Lindgaard

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 22 50 95 03
Email: klj@krestoncm.dk

Contact us

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