A workday in +

Become a part of Kreston CM’s office in Copenhagen or Hørsholm.

Balancing your personal account

Whether you are in school, newly qualified, or you are seasoned in the business, Kreston CM offer exciting assignments and a thorough focus on life-work balance. Because we always aim for Kreston CM to be the best workplace in the city for accountants.

Newly qualified – accountant

Are you new in the business and do you dream of starting your career somewhere where we pride ourselves on equipping you for a career in accounting?

At Kreston CM, you will work with several different types of clients who represent a fascinating variety of professions where both smaller entrepreneurs, larger trading- and industrial companies, as well as international subsidiaries will require your expertise You will typically start out with focusing on small and medium sized companies whereafter we will work together to design a plan for which direction you will go. Contact our partner Bent Kofoed (bk@krestoncm.dk) or partner Michel Hansen (mkh@krestoncm.dk) and hear about how you can become a part of Kreston CM.

Experienced – accountant

Do you have experience as an accountant and a desire to be a part of a different accounting office? e want to be the workplace for accountants that makes it possible for you to have a balanced everyday life. We are not just experts in accounting – we are also experts in settling your personal account – and we always focus on creating a workplace where private life and work is balanced.

Do you have a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and 5+ years of accounting experience, are you an experienced Master of Science in Business Economics and Auditing, or are you a registered accountant? You can join an exciting, professionally challenging and flexible workplace in Hoersholm or Adelgade. Kontakt partner Bent Kofoed (bk@krestoncm.dk) eller partner Michel Hansen (mkh@krestoncm.dk) og få en snak om, hvordan du kan blive en del af Kreston CM.

Vacant positions

Are you an accountant with personality?

We want to have as diverse a workplace as possible, so feel free to apply – no matter where you are in life. Of course, we expect your accounting background to be in order – and if not, we’ll teach you. What matters more is that you want to make a difference and can deliver accounting with personality, as we value personal relationships with our clients highly. As a person, you are committed, hardworking, service-minded, and eager to seek and take responsibility.


The biggest change in your work life is only a cup of coffee away.

It all starts with a cup of coffee

Contact our partner Bent or Michel if you are interested in a non-committal talk.

Let’s have a talk

Send us an application and we will meet to talk about how to best match for each other.


You will start our introductory course to ensure you have an optimal start at the best workplace in the city for accountants.


Our offices are located in Adelgade and at Usseroed Kongevej in Hørsholm, and it is up to you to choose the location which fits you best.

Copenhagen K

Kreston CM
Adelgade 15
DK-1304 København K
Partner Bent Kofoed
Mail: bk@krestoncm.dk
Phone: +45 20 89 46 00


Kreston CM
Usserød Kongevej 157
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Partner Michel Hansen
E-mail: mkh@krestoncm.dk
Phone +45 21 74 16 58

50+ are not your work hours

Hos Kreston CM vil vi have dit personlige regnskab til at gå op. Det betyder bl.a., at vi vil være en arbejdsplads, hvor alsidighed og frihed under ansvar vægtes højt. Vores arbejdsplads skal være et sted for alle, og vi ser det som en stor styrke at arbejde et sted med fokus på diversitet i form af alder, køn og etnicitet. Vores samlede kerne af medarbejdere er det, der udgør Kreston CM, og vi er altid klar til at byde nye medlemmer velkommen i klubben.

At Kreston CM we want your personal account balanced. Among other things, it means that we want to be a place of work that emphasizes versatility and freedom with responsibility. Our workplace has to be a place for everyone, and we see it as a great strength to be able to work in a company that focuses on diversity in age, gender and ethnicity. Our united core of employees is what comprises Kreston CM, and we are always ready to welcome new members into the club. With us, you take an active role in deciding your own work hours, in optimizing your life-work balance and in enjoying everyday life at a firm with room for your own ideas. We focus on your professional capabilities but we also want to learn about your personal ambitions. If you want to get to know us a little better, we are happy to sit down over coffee to get to know each other more and figure out if we can embrace each other’s dreams and ambitions.

Our values

Active partnership

You have to be able to carry out your work assignments well and thoroughly while taking into account your life outside the office, and we help each other when necessary. Our partners are at the forefront by actively taking responsibility for making sure that work assignments are completed in compliance with the agreements.

Ethics and closeness

You have to be able to see yourself in the choice between a client’s need for consultation and your own professional values. You have to be able to get close to your clients and their businesses without compromising your position as the trade union representative of the public.

Flexibility and qualifications

We always draw up individualized agreements on work hours and location. Additionally, we offer an updated and wide array of employee benefits and opportunities for additional practical and theoretical training.

The best workplace in the city for accountants

A flexible everyday life

We are not just a workplace that provides you with the best circumstances for you to live out your dream of a career in accounting. At our workplace, you are afforded the best circumstances for you to create an everyday life that makes you happy.

This means that we provide the best conditions for you to shape your days according to your needs. Whether you are a student, experienced professional, parent of young children, it does not matter – as long as you are able to create a typical day that accommodates both work and free time.

Social life at the center

You don’t just benefit from our many employee benefits when you start at Kreston CM. Although we are thrilled to offer our employees great discounts on things such as fitness and eyewear, our social profile will be the greatest source of joy for you on a typical day.

We want to be the best workplace in the city for accountants, and we are the best because we have managed to create a workplace where you as an employee have the proper conditions to progress as an accountant. You will join a community where everyone chips in to help out – and where your social life outside work is prioritized as well.

Do you dream of further training or something else, your boss is never far away. Do you want to bounce ideas around or do you need help with a specific case, more than 50 co-workers are sitting by ready to help.

Meet your new colleagues

Life has to come first

Be challenged by the work and hear Lone talk about why it is called life-work balance at Kreston CM.

You have got to feel good

Kevin talks about community with his colleagues, how best to engage with clients – and what gets him out of bed in the morning.

Everyone wants to help

Hear what Sophie-Mathilde has to say about being new in the business, being in training, and about our social events.

Remain in +

Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram. We continuously post new content to make you more knowledgeable about everyday life at Kreston CM. You can meet your future colleagues and read useful posts about what’s happening in the accounting industry.