Kreston is Ancient Greek
and means trust.

We want to get to know you. That will give us a better understanding of how to assist you most effectively.

Kreston is Ancient Greek
and means trust.

We want to get to know you. That will give us a better understanding of how to assist you most effectively.

We are not just experts concerning numbers

Today, Kreston CM consist of six state-authorized public accountants and about 50 lively employees. Kreston CM’s size allows us to provide intimate, attentive, and personal services to our clients and associate firms. We are not merely experts concerning numbers. We are also experts in service, and we always strive to provide our clients with excellent and personal consultations.

We are not merely experts concerning numbers. We are also experts in service, and we always strive to provide our clients with excellent and personal consultations.

Bent Kofoed

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Address: Adelgade 15, DK-1304 Copenhagen K
Phone +45 20 89 46 00

Michel Hansen

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Address: Usseroed Kongevej 157, DK-2970 Hørsholm
Phone +45 21 74 16 58

Jacob Hjort

Partner and State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 22 88 06 67

Christian Berg Dohn

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 29 25 68 87

Lise Foss Nielsen

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 25 37 39 95

Kevin Klitgaard Lindgaard

State-authorized public accountant

Phone +45 22 50 95 03

We want to provide the highest quality

When we partner with a new company, it’s not just the financial statements we want to get to know. We want to know the people behind it, find out what drives the employees and gain some understanding of the company’s products.

A thorough understanding of the needs and evolution of the individual company enables us to provide a personal and professional service, ensuring that everyone feels they are receiving exactly the consultation they need.

We always aim to:

– Delivering a service that meets customer needs
– Recommend optimal, durable and reliable solutions
– Being available when the customer needs it
– Perform work efficiently and effectively
– fulfill all agreements at the agreed price

… in short: We work to provide solutions that create security for the client, which is what we mean when we say we provide accounting with personality.

How we assist you today

Our client index includes clients in all of Denmark. We provide assistance to everything from one-man companies to larger companies with a great number of employees.

Our competent employees range from students to state-authorized public accountants with many years in the industry. It provides the right dynamic between passion and experience. It is always our priority to deliver a personalized service where dialogue and customer contact are in focus.

We do not merely provide an overview of the finances of your company. We facilitate security and a thorough comprehension of your financial situation.

Our motto is “accounting with personality” and that is reflected in the trust we want to cultivate, and through our dedication to you and your enterprise.

If you would like to know more about how we may help you, you are always welcome to reach out to us. Great teamwork is only an email or a phone call away.


Kreston CM is a part of Kreston Denmark We are a national collaboration of 39 independent, state-authorized public accountants from across the country. Today, Kreston Denmark has more than 500 employees, all working within Kreston Denmark’s quality system, which ensures that we always live up to the highest standards.


Worldwide, Kreston CM is part of Kreston Global. Kreston Global is a collaboration of independent chartered accountants and advisors around the world. Advisors who are considered to be among the very best.

You will find members of Kreston Global in 115 countries, and we currently have more than 820 offices and 27.000 employees across the globe. Kreston Globe is the 13th largest accounting firm globally.

Visit Kreston Global:

Experts in numbers and client service

We are experts – both concerning the right advice and excellent client service. Professionally, we offer expertise in nearly all areas of accounting. We always strive to always be an accounting firm where professional capabilities are underpinned by our close client contact, to ensure that our clients receive the right expertise but also feel understood when we provide advice and assistance.

Find us here

Adelgade 15, DK-1304 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Usseroed Kongevej 157, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark

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